Wednesday, August 14, 2013

5 Tips

Hello, everyone! So I probably wont be posting everyday in the future, but I need to get some stuff up before school starts on Monday. A lot of people ask me about things that helped me lose weight and get back into shape, so I came up with five easy tips that you could start with.

1. A Motivation Poster: This helped me because it was in my bathroom and I would look at it every morning. I put things I liked and words that would inspire me. Yes, I even put "eat" because I love food! Being positive is key, in my opinion. There would be days that I would want to just scream because I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere in my progress. Whenever I would feel this way I'd go and look at the poster, take a few breaths, and try and think of positive things about me. It may sound cheesy, but it helped me out a lot.

2. Food/Exercise Journal: I use the app "Lose It" on my phone, but if you don't have a smart phone, a good old fashion journal will do just fine (though you may want to pick up a calorie counter book as well). Now, before I scare you into thinking I am going to have you counting every calorie for the rest of your life, just hold up! When you start looking at how many calories are in the foods you eat, you can start making healthy cut backs. You don't have to keep a journal forever. Once you get more familiar than just start keeping track in your head. I still keep track of mine because it has became a habit. If you fall off the wagon and feel like your progress is stunted, refer back to this method. 

3. Watch What You Eat: What you put into your body is important. It helps you work out, feel more energized, and can sometimes even put you in a better mood. When you don't know what some of the ingredients are that can be a bad thing. A study that was featured in Women's Health magazine (March 2013) stated that women who read nutritional labels approximately weighed nine pounds less than women who did not. I try to stick to ingredients that I can read and understand. A great is example is one of my favorite snacks: Larabar. You know all of the ingredients it lists and there aren't 50 billion. 

4. Find a Fun Activity: I love hiking! I try to go as often as I can! I do like going to the gym, but sometimes you have to spice it up. Find something to break up the schedule of just running at the gym or lifting weights. Zumba, yoga, or volleyball...the list goes on. Get out there and try new things! If you want, make it social by inviting friends to join.  

5. Pack a Good Lunch: I am not really a work-out-in-the-early-hours type of person. If you are, congrats. Because of this I try to take a good lunch with me to work so that when I get off work I wont have the excuse of "oh, I am hungry" to not go to the gym. Eating a good breakfast also helps, but that's a tangent for another day. 

I hope some of these will help you on your course to becoming healthy! Please leave me some feedback if you have time and a good luck! 

1 comment:

  1. I like your motivation board. I was surprised to see that not everything on there had to do with weight loss. I liked it. It's probably good to remember that other things will make you happy, not just your weight. ;)
