Monday, August 12, 2013

Everyone Starts Somewhere

So after almost a year of getting myself back on a healthy track; I have decided to write a blog about it. Now, it's been awhile since I have been writing anything, so I hope you will bare with me. I suppose I will start with my progress. I have always been more of an athletic build and played a lot of sports as a kid. My family ate healthy even before one of my younger sisters became type 1 diabetic, but when I moved out at the age of nineteen, I changed things up. I ate lots of Hot Pockets, cheese balls, and fast food. Oh, the college life. A little bit later I met my future husband, Justin, and he introduced me to World of Warcraft (I am kind of a nerd). So let's just say it was a bad recipe. A couple more months down the road I was in a very bad car accident. Story short, I was on lots of painkillers and didn't move much. The painkillers made me depressed and I gained weight. I went from around 140 pounds to 165 (though after awhile I stopped looking at the scale).

I had a different picture of what I looked like in my head and I refused to believe I had gained so much weight. Depression sunk in. I kept looking for quick ways to just lose weight, none of which work I may add, and telling myself empty promises. A year ago, on my little sister's 15th birthday, I saw the pictures that they took of me and I was speechless. I finally looked at them and said that it was time to change. Sadly, I found out I wouldn't be able to go to school for a semester or two, so my goal was to get healthy--no excuses! I finally started taking advantage of the fact that I had signed up for a gym down the road from my home and began to go almost every day that I could. I didn't change my eating habits though, which caused problems. I lost a little bit of weight, but still didn't feel that great.

In January, I thought, hey everyone makes goals in this month so that's what I'll do. I started my goal over. I gave myself until June 1st to get down to 135 (I had done some math and that seemed like a healthy goal weight for my height and body type). I cut out all high fructose corn syrup and trans fat. I would only eat out on Fridays. I would work out every day for at least 30 minutes. I also started cooking my meals from scratch when I possibly could; sometimes money is tight cause I am not a millionaire, sigh.

So this was my progress (I also have a pool in my apartment complex so I decided to get my swim on). The left is the end of December 2012 and the right is June 1, 2013. My hard work has paid off, but the point I want to stress is that it is hard work! For some it may be really easy to lose weight, but overall I would say that it takes a lot of patients and dedication. 

The reason I thought I would make this blog is to try and inspire people to be healthy (notice I don't say skinny) and to have some fun. I will be posting recipes and other things that have helped me reach my goals. I also love hiking so I may post some stuff about that. I don't claim to be an expert and I love hearing what works for other people. 


  1. Your hard work is already inspiring, and I hope you will be able to help a lot of people. I also can't wait for the recipes – you've been making me hungry for months! :-)

  2. I have watched your transformation and i have truly admire your persistance and dedication. Your outlook has been inspiring. You look amazing! I would love to see recipes. :-) keep up your hard work, you are truly beautiful inside and out!

  3. You are amazing, Janae. Being healthy is what it is all about. I am excited to read your blog. Love you!

  4. Thanks, you guys are awesome! I really appreciate all the compliments and motivation you have all given me! I am so happy I have some people excited to read my blog. I've been kind of nervous to make one, but I am glad I got over that.
